mobility: is it a demand or suggestion to be successful in your profession?
The concept “professional mobility” is met more frequently nowadays
owing to the quick changes in all spheres of social life. Everyone is
interested in specialists, who can live in intensively altering conditions. Such
an ability to adapt to the up-to-date events and develop oneself together with
the fast changing world is called mobility. Professional mobility is a narrower
concept. It implies a quick adaptation to innovations concerning your sphere of profession, wide
knowledge in them and ability to apply them correctly. If one follows the
up-to-date information and innovations, it makes this person be a well-educated and called-for specialist.
That is a key to success in a job.
The reasons for professional mobility
are the following: social order of the society, personal understanding of
professional mobility and personal or social needs.
Social order of the society is of a
great significance. The rapid increase of globalization and informatization of
the society influence the labour market relations and dictate new demands to a
specialist in every sphere of profession. One, that is necessary, is to be
technologically educated.
Personal understanding of professional
mobility is a very important reason. Each person wants to gain success in
his/her career. To correspond to demands of world labour market he/she should
always be in the course of up-to-date events and educate himself/herself. This
begets the concept of life-long education, that is rather actual nowadays. It
helps to stay in a high rank among all specialists of your profession and be
Personal or social needs influence
greatly the level of professionalism. In order to get a high salary, have a
high status and get opportunities to travel abroad on work, specialists should
follow the present events and be many-sided people, because during their career
they may communicate not only with specialists from their sphere, but from
others too.
To be professionally mobile seems to be a
demand to be successful in your career. If you are a well-educated person and
you can talk not only about your profession but are able to support a
discussion on any topic, so you gain respect and attention not only from your
colleagues, but from specialists of different occupations.
I worked at a polling place during the last local election. As the
registration officer, I expected to be completely busy throughout the day. At times
I was. However, according to the local area’s population, there were not nearly
enough people voting. Obviously, not everyone who could vote actually did. This
is acceptable to some extent. Low voter turnout is not such a crime. But when
voter turnout dips dangerously low at less than 20%, it becomes a serious
problem. The fact that this is a continuing and growing trend makes it
critical. A solution to this problem is compulsory voting.
The history of democracy proves that compelling people to vote has
worked before. In Ancient Athens, where democracy began, all male citizens over
18 years of age had to attend the Assembly. It was their duty to have their say
and cast their vote. If a citizen did not attend or was late, he was marked
with red dye and charged a fine. Why such Draconian tactics? People often led
busy lives with other concerns. They needed to be reminded to participate in
government matters. Therefore, I argue that having consequences for not voting
could persuade people to become more involved.
There are many countries in the world that have mandatory voting laws. Some
of these countries include Australia, Singapore, and Brazil. Consequences for
not voting can vary from prison sentences, community service, to fines. Each
community or country chooses which option works best for them. When people know
that they have to vote, they become more informed about the candidates and the
issues at hand.
Of course, the most important question to consider when discussing
mandatory voting is whether or not voting is important at all. Does it matter
if only a few people decide who a nation’s leaders should be? The answer to
that question should be an overwhelming yes. It does matter. If only a few
people select leaders, that makes a country into an oligarchy. Democracy means
“power in the hands of the people” and this means all the people. The true
meaning of democracy explains that citizens have both rights and
responsibilities to their community. Voting is a part of civil responsibilities
that must be fulfilled in a working democracy.
In closing, voting is a necessity. Compulsory voting is a way to make
voting better. If it works for other countries, it can work for ours as well.